What is the internet?

Today we can live 3 hours without water, without food but we can't live 3 hours without INTERNET. But have you ever think how the internet works, how internet comes to us, who owns the internet.  
Basically, the internet is a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities. It consists of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.
In simple words, the internet is a globally connected network system. The whole globe is connected through an internet connection. For example, suppose you connect two computers between your office and home via wire then we can call it an internet connection but here an exchange of data is taking place between only those two computer but at globe level thousand of a computer are connected and exchanging of data is taking place.  

How the internet works?

you will guess the internet works using satellite or via towers but 99% of the internet works on optic fibre cable. 

Optical Fibre Cable
optical fibre cable
 Now you will think we use a mobile phone but there is no cable connected to it, so how the internet works? 

Here three companies come in the main role. First, one is tier 1, second is tier 2 and last is tier 3.
 Tier 1 has set up a cable connection within the sea from one continent to another continent.cable used are called submarine cable or optical fibre cable.you can see the pic of cable above. The width of each cable (most inner part) is similar to your hair and have a speed/bandwidth of 100GBps.These connection have a landing point at different countries and your data or traffic pass from that landing point and there is no use of a satellite.
Here is a pic of optical fibre cable connection throughout the globe

⇒If you want to see all cables that are there in the world click HERE

Tier 2 company has their own connections, towers, infrastructure throughout that country. If you want to visit a website these companies use their network system to give you a path to the server of that website. If server of that website is in another country then your traffic is passed from landing point to that server.
There are few tier 2 companies that have their optical fibre cable from one continent and to another and they are also operating in a country.

The last one is tier 3 company which is similar to tier 2 company but it's it uses their own network at the local level and uses the network of tier 2 company at country level to move traffic from one place to another.

Speed, Cost, Maintenance of cables:- Optical fibre cable has a life of about 25 years and these cable breaks and gets worse after a time, so we need a backup. That's why these companies do maintenance and have backup cables too. 

What about the cost? we pay to tier 1 or directly tier 2 company for the internet. Tier 1 company pay to tier 2. Tier 2 company pay to tier 3 company. Tier 3 company do not need to pay further any other company.

 Have you ever wondered you internet provider claims that they are providing high speed than other providers but you are not getting that speed, but why? suppose your provider has a tower in your area and that tower has a bandwidth of 100MBps. suppose 500 people in your area and 300 of them using the same network of yours then if all 300 are using the internet at the same time then each of them will get only 0.33MBps speed. That's why you get good speed at night because at night less no. of people uses the internet. And what about internet provider claim, they claim speed of their tower not about any individual one. 

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This is all about THE GIANT INTERNET. I hope you're all the queries got solved. If you want to give suggestions and feedback you're most welcome. Just write in the comment box or use the contact form.