TCS Xplore SDLC Design Principle Quiz All Module Answers

TCS Xplore SDLC Design Principle Quiz All Answers

Below are the answers to the TCS Xplore SDLC Design Principle and the answer to the SDLC Design Principle ITIS (All Modules) are highlighted in Yellow Colour.

There are the following module in SDLC Design Principle  Module

1. Algorithm Quiz

2. Design Principle and Pattern Quiz

3. IT Infrastructure

1. Algorithm Quiz 

Question  In how many ways The recurrence relation can be solved?
Answer: 3

Question Which of the following are the analysis methods?
Answer: All of the above

Question Find out the characteristics of the algorithm?
Answer: All of the above

Question ______ method is used for state-space search problem?
Answer: Backtracking and branch and bound

Question Which of the following are the most important algorithm design technique?
Answer: All of the above

2. Design Principle and Patterns Quiz

Question Which of the following are core design principle?

Question KISS Design principle ____?
Answer: Keep it simple stupid

Question Structured programming follows two basic principles by Dijkstra is ____?
Answer: Both 2&3

Question ____ used for low level or machine level programming?
Answer: GOTO

Question DRY Design Principle ______?
Answer: Do not repeat yourself

3. IT Infrastructure Quiz

Question ____ is the part of a computer bus, used by CPUs for communicating with other devices within the computer?
Answer: Control Bus

Question Which statement is used in the COBOL program to terminate the execution?
Answer: STOP RUN

Question Assembler is?
Answer: a program that automates the translation of assembly language into machine language

Question Managing of memory applies only to?
Answer: RAM

Question Which is the primary output device?
Answer: Monitor

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